
Why are there so many labels and tags on my fire extinguishers?

The labels and tags on your fire extinguishers serve a number of purposes. Federal, State, or Local laws and regulations require these labels. A brief description of the various labels is listed below. Some may not be present on all fire extinguishers – they are only installed after a specific service or test has been done, such as hydrostatic testing.

Manufacturer’s Label:
The Manufacturer’s Label must be on the front of the fire extinguisher and contains:

  • The Class (A, B, C, D, K) of fire that the extinguisher is designed to extinguish.
  • The Numeric Rating of the size of fire the extinguisher can put out (such as 2:A-10:BC).
  • The written and pictorial operating instructions.
  • The chemical type and weight of the extinguishing agent or charge and the overall weight of the charged cylinder. It may also include the weight of the empty cylinder.
  • The operating pressure and maximum charge pressure of the cylinder.
  • The date of manufacture and other safety, maintenance, and test information specific to that particular fire extinguisher, and required to properly maintain the extinguisher.

Monthly Inspection Tag:
This is typically found on the reverse side of the Annual Inspection Tag.

The Monthly Inspection Tag contains:
The identity of the owner and space to record the date and status of the eleven (11) required monthly inspections performed on the extinguisher by the owner.

It is replaced annually at the time of the Annual Inspection.

Annual Inspection Tag:
The Annual Inspection Tag will be attached to the fire extinguisher, near the handle on all fire extinguishers.
The Annual Inspection Tag contains:

  • Information about the company and service technician providing the annual inspection, as required by the state or local fire marshal.
  • The date (Month, Day, Year) that a NEW fire extinguisher was placed in service. It will also indicate that this is a NEW extinguisher.
  • The date that the Last Annual Maintenance was performed.

It is replaced annually at the time of the Annual Inspection or when the extinguisher requires recharging or internal maintenance and/or testing.

Verification of Service Collar
The Verification of Service Collar will be found encircling the neck of the fire extinguisher, just below the handle, if internal service or recharging has been performed.

The Verification of Service Collar contains:

  • Information about the company and service technician providing the annual inspection, as required by the state or local fire marshal.
  • The date (Month, Day, Year) that a fire extinguisher underwent internal service or recharging.

It is replaced when the extinguisher requires recharging or internal maintenance and/or testing.

Hydrostatic Test Label
The Hydrostatic Test Label will be found on the body or cylinder of older fire extinguishers that have passed this test.

The Hydrostatic Test Label contains:

  • Information about the company performing the test, as required by the state or local fire marshal.
  • The date (Month, Day, Year) that a fire extinguisher passed hydrostatic testing.

This label is never replaced or removed. When the extinguisher requires second or subsequent hydrostatic tests, an additional label is added.
