


Fire Extinguisher Inspection Service – Required Annually:

Annual inspection of extinguishers shall include a check of at least the following items:

(1) Located in designated place.

(2) No obstruction to access or visibility.

(3) Operating instructions on nameplate legible and facing outward.

(4) Safety seals and tamper indicators not broken or missing.

(5) Examine for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle.

(6) Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position.

(7) Fullness determined by weighing or hefting.

(8) For wheeled units, the condition of tires, wheels, carriage, hose, and nozzle checked.

(9) For non-rechargeable extinguishers using push-to-test pressure indicators, test the indicator.

(10) Install new Annual Maintenance Tag and/or tamper seal if required.
This tag also has space for the owner to record monthly inspections.

Internal Maintenance – Required every 6 yrs (Annually for vehicle-mounted units):

Internal Maintenance (Tear Down) is required every 6 years (Annually for vehicle-mounted units) or when

(1) the extinguisher has been discharged,

(2) the extinguisher shows evidence of damage,

(3) the extinguisher shows loss of pressure,

(4) the extinguisher has improper weight or volume.

Internal Maintenance Service includes:

(1) If a charge remains on the cylinder, it is emptied and the charge is processed and recovered for re-use.

(2) The head is disassembled, O-rings replaced, and valve is lubricated.

(3) Interior of the cylinder is inspected for signs of rust, corrosion, other deterioration.

(4) Hose / Nozzle assemblies are inspected and repaired or replaced as needed.

(5) Handle and other parts are inspected and repaired or replaced as needed.

(6) Cylinder is refilled with extinguishing agent to specified weight or volume.

(7) A “Verification of Service Collar” is installed per State Fire Marshal directives.

(8) Extinguisher is reassembled, pressurized, and tested for leaks.

(9) Finally, a new tamper seal and “Annual Maintenance Tag” is attached to the cylinder showing current date of service/recharge.
This tag also has space for the owner to record monthly inspections.

Hydrostatic Test Service – Type ABC Extinguishers (Required Every 12 yrs)

Hydrostatic testing is required every 12 years (5 years for vehicle-mounted extinguishers) or when cylinder shows evidence of damage. This test is done to ensure that the cylinder will maintain pressure when recharged, and that there are no defects or leaks due to metal fatigue or damage.

Hydrostatic Test Service includes:

(1) If a charge remains on the cylinder, it is emptied and the charge is processed and recovered for re-use.

(2) The head is removed.

(3) The inside of the cylinder is inspected for any signs of damage, rust, or corrosion.

(4) The cylinder is filled with water and a high-pressure fitting is installed to allow pressure testing.

(5) Water is manually pumped into the cylinder until the internal pressure is 2-3 times the normal operating pressure for the cylinder (typically 585 PSI, or as specified by the manufacturer).

(6) Inlet valve is closed and the cylinder must maintain the minimum test pressure for at least 60 seconds.

(7) The cylinder is inspected to verify that there are no signs of leaks, cracks, or bulges that would indicate a defective cylinder.

(8) The pressure is then released and the cylinder is drained and thoroughly dried.

(9) Finally, if the cylinder passed all tests and inspections, a new Hydrostatic Test Label is attached to the cylinder per State Fire Marshal directives.

IF the cylinder fails any of these tests or inspections, it must be removed from service and replaced with a new extinguisher.

If the cylinder passes all tests and inspections, steps 2 – 9 of the Tear Down Service are performed and the cylinder is returned to service.

See Internal Maintenance Service above.

Hydrostatic Test Service – Halon Extinguishers (Required every 12 yrs)

Hydrostatic testing is required every 12 years or when cylinder shows evidence of damage. This service includes emptying the cylinder into a Halon Recovery Chamber, pressure testing the cylinder (as described above for Dry Chemical extinguishers) to determine if there are any leaks due to metal fatigue or damage. If the cylinder passes hydrostatic testing, a Tear Down Service must be performed prior to placing the extinguisher back in service.

See Internal Maintenance Service above.
