Hands-On Live-Fire Extinguisher Training Classes

Are YOU ready to fight a fire?
Are your employees ready to fight a fire?

Have they EVER used a Fire Extinguisher?
Do they know WHICH one to use?

It’s too late for training when your building is on fire!

Federal and state regulations (OSHA 1910.157(g)(1)) require that employers who provide portable fire extinguishers in the workplace also provide training for their use. Used properly, portable fire extinguishers can save lives and property by putting out a small fire in the workplace or containing one until the fire department arrives.

It is essential that all employees be familiar with the proper use of portable extinguishers and know when and when NOT to use them. In the event of a fire, employees should respond in accordance with their company’s fire emergency plan.

Best Fire Equipment can train YOU and your employees,
so you can answer YES to ALL of those questions!

Hands-On Live-Fire Extinguisher Training Classes are conducted at the customer’s site for up to 30 students per class. Each class runs for approximately 1 hour, depending on the number of participants. The following topics are covered:

Class Curriculum:

Man using Fire Extinguisher
  • Instructor Introductions and Class Overview
  • Safety Procedures Orientation
  • The Fire Triangle and Fire Basics
  • Classes of Fires and Fire Extinguishers
  • Fire Extinguisher Ratings and Selection
  • Fire Fighting Guidelines: The Three “A’s
    • Alert everyone there’s a fire,
    • Assist with evacuation of everyone in danger,
    • Attempt to extinguish the fire
  • Fire Extinguisher Operation: P.A.S.S.
    • Pull the safety pin,
    • Aim at the base (fuel) of the fire,
    • Squeeze the handle fully,
    • Sweep side-to-side to extinguish the fire.
  • Safety Procedures Review
  • Hands-On Individual Fire Fighting

Each student gets an opportunity to extinguish the fire under the supervision of Best Fire Equipment’s experienced instructors.

Best Fire Equipment provides 2 Instructors to conduct the class (1 instructor acts as a Safety Observer and runs the “Propane-powered Fire Tank”, which is also provided by Best Fire Equipment).

The class requires, on average, one 5 Lb multipurpose Type ABC fire extinguisher for every 3 students participating in the training or 8-10 extinguishers per class. Customers may use their own extinguishers for the training class. After completion of the training, Best Fire Equipment service techs will refill/recharge the customer’s fire extinguishers and return them to service. More commonly, Best Fire Equipment provides the extinguishers to be used for the training class.

Cost for the training class is $300.00 per hour (minimum $300.00), plus a charge for the “Fire Tank”, fuel, flares, and extinguishing agent (dry chemical powder or CO2). The number of fire extinguishers actually used during the training determines additional costs.

Contact the Best Fire Equipment office for more details and pricing for your facility.
If you have any questions regarding any of the courses, contact service@bestfireco.com.
