The "Emergency Planning Compliance Manual" assists facilities in complying with existing OSHA, SARA, Title III, and state regulations which call for all facilities to meet a number of Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management requirements, and it helps them prepare for potential emergency situations.
These regulations include that every facility have an "Emergency Plan" that spells out what is to be done in case of an emergency, and that this plan, as well as other important information, be shared with the local Emergency Planning Committee and emergency response groups such as the police, fire department and others.
Areas covered in the Manual include the history and background of the regulations, types of emergencies, creation of an "emergency plan", providing an emergency planning "blueprint", and communications in an emergency.
By using the Manual, facilities will be able to prepare their own comprehensive Emergency Plan and provide appropriate information to their local Emergency Planning Committee.
A "fill-in-the-blank" emergency plan, provided on a CD in MS Word as well as a paper copy, covers incident prevention, crisis management, and more. By filling in the blanks provided in the "Emergency Plan" section, any facility can create a complete written plan that will meet all the requirements in this area. The Forms and Procedures section contains all of the materials needed to implement a complete compliance program.
Included: Compliance Manual, 298 pages and CD-ROM with MS Word Emergency Plan
The DVD Program, Employee Booklets, and Posters may be ordered separately.