The "Heat Stress" DVD Program includes information on situations leading to heat-related illnesses, heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, how the body reacts to heat, recognizing symptoms of heat stress, preventing heat-related illnesses, first aid, and more. Each year thousands of employees suffer the adverse effects of Heat Stress. Whether they work outdoors under the hot summer sun, or indoors with equipment and machinery that give off high levels of heat, these employees need to know how to recognize and prevent heat stress and other heat-related health problems. The DVD program reviews the steps that employees can take to prevent heat stress, and elementary first aid that can be given to a worker who has been affected by a heat-related illness. The sample employee booklet features 16 pages of text, illustrations and a quiz.
(Right Click on Video for Flash Player Controls) |
Materials in the program include:
DVD program (13 minutes) | Training Log |
Instructor's Guide w/Program Binder | Scheduling and Attendance forms |
Employee Quiz | 1 Sample Employee Booklet |
Training Certificate |